How to Support Young Researchers

My little learners are sponges when it comes to learning about informational topics. They just LOVE subjects like science, history, and social studies. And, I LOVE using their enthusiasm to my teacher advantage.

That’s right! I’ll take every opportunity to leverage my students’ interests along the way to achieving academic standards. Rocks, penguins, plants… if the class likes it- we study it!

{Well, it’s not quite that simple with younger students.} I’ve encountered 2 major problems while trying to support my young researchers…

Problem #1- Compiling resources

Gathering enough books, articles, and other resources on the same topic is a headache, especially as you consider the time it takes to read through and “vet” every text. Compiling resources is soooooo inconvenient and time consuming for teachers.

Now, let’s say you’re one of the lucky few who has a plethora of themed-resources at your fingertips. You’ll probably still encounter this problem along the way:

Problem #2- Finding texts my students can actually read

Chances are highly likely that most texts you manage to track down will be too difficult for your young students to read and research on their own. There are just not enough themed resources out there with the readability to support our youngest learners. I’ve learned the hard way that locating a good variety of texts that my students can actually read independently is quite a nightmare.

We’ve solved both problems for you! Introducing our Text Packs for Young Researchers with printable full-color texts curated especially for your students: all the differentiated texts you need in one place, written at the right levels for your beginning readers, and at a price teachers can actually afford!

These text packs include everything needed to help your students research, record, and report! You’ll find:

Check out the topics we currently offer:

The Core Coaches


Picture of Amy


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We're Emily, Amy, and Tatum

We are teachers, coaches, and curriculum designers with The Core Coaches. Together we have three Master's Degrees and 40 years of experience in the classroom! The Core Coaches are passionate about designing and implementing engaging lesson plans. We want to share our useful strategies and materials with other teachers.

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