Learn How Interactive read aloud Lesson Plan will Meet Core Standards

teacher reading aloud

Interactive Read Aloud Lesson Plan to Meet Standards

Do your students love interactive read aloud lesson plan time? We do too! It is one of our favorite times of the day. Interactive read aloud lesson plans and reading time when we come together as a class and escape into a fantasy world for a short period. Moreover, our students instantly become mesmerized by the stories.

Do Unto Otters Read Aloud

  • We love watching their faces change as the plot thickens.
  • Seeing them wait as we slowly turn the page during intense moments.
  • We love listening to their laughter during the silly parts.
  • Most of all, we love modeling a love for reading.  It is a time for us to show students that reading is fun and magical.

Interactive Read Aloud Time

Together, we discussed this problem and  decided to come up with a  way to solve the issue. We realized the Core Standards needed to be infused into our interactive read-aloud lessons, by reading with a purpose (not on the fly) and creating a plan ahead of time by developing mini-lessons. After brainstorming together, we’ve developed effective interactive read aloud strategies to meet core standards during our read-aloud lessons.

Land Shard read aloud lesson plans

The 6 Read Aloud Strategies to Meet the Core Standards 

  • Extend the read-aloud over a few days to allow time to dig deeper and cover multiple standards
  • Read closely by revisiting the text with a different purpose each day. As an example, use small discussion strategies
  • Ask text dependent questions that require kids to refer to the text to provide evidence for their answers
  • Include a graphic organizer that reinforces the purpose
  • Incorporate a writing component
  • Integrate art


sneezy the snowman read aloud

By incorporating these components we will be able to conquer all 8 Reading Literature Standards. This brainstorming session evolved into a year-long project…

Plus, Read-Aloud Lessons to Help You Meet the Core Standards 

We came up with a year’s worth of read alouds curriculum, teaching to the core standards one read-aloud at a time by using books from our Scholastic book orders. Here are exciting read aloud activities designed to  meet the core standards with you. We are teaching the Core One Read Aloud at a Time!


Visit our shop to check out over 100 individual interactive read-aloud packs, 18 monthly packs, and 3 year long bundles.

  – The Core Coaches

Picture of Amy


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We're Emily, Amy, and Tatum

We are teachers, coaches, and curriculum designers with The Core Coaches. Together we have three Master's Degrees and 40 years of experience in the classroom! The Core Coaches are passionate about designing and implementing engaging lesson plans. We want to share our useful strategies and materials with other teachers.

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