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We’re Amy, Tatum, and Emily and we love creating practical and fun tools for teachers. We’ve compiled all of our educational expertise to share with you. Our goal is to help make lesson planning and classroom instruction simple and effective for teachers.

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Preschool Christmas Activities

Christmas is a magical time of year for children of all ages. However, there is something special about celebrating the holidays through fun preschool Christmas activities with young kids!   However magical the season may...

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Student Led Conference Ideas

As fellow educators, we know that student engagement is one of the most important aspects of learning. We also know that if students are not interested in learning it can lead to struggles with classroom...

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Did you know we have a classroom Management course?


Try our learning quests!

Learning Quests provide meaningful, rigorous activities so your students can independently work without you doing any planning. Once students are familiar with them, you truly can just download, upload, and assign.


Our read-aloud lesson plan includes rigorous text dependent questions, differentiated graphic organizers, response to text writing activities, a craftivity, and detailed lesson plans to help you meet several core standards while maintaining your tradition of reading aloud for pleasure.

Our Mastering Classroom Management E-Book is available now, and on sale for a limited time!
Our course is different than others and a better value than most.

Easy-to-use modules
Personalized recommendations
Ready-made classroom management resources

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