Habitat Lesson Plans for 1st Grade

Habitat Lesson Plans for 1st Grade 

Are you looking for a fun and educational way to teach your students about animal habitats? Look no further! These lesson plans are perfect for 1st grade students, and will help them learn all about the different types of habitats animals live in.

Each plan is fun and educational, and will help your students learn all about the different types of habitats around the world. The best part? All of these lesson plans are ready to teach! All you need to do is upload the activities into Google Slides or Seesaw. You can even use them in Lumio! Checkout some of our most popular learning quests that are up on Lumio now! 

Need a break from technology? We get it! Print these activities out and give you and your students a break from the computer screen. 


Types of Habitats to Teach in Elementary School

As a teacher, you already know that a habitat is a place where plants and animals live. You probably already know that almost everything on earth is habitat! Each of our habitat learning quests teaches students the basics of habitats, plus tons of information about specific habitats! 

With five different habitats to teach throughout the year, you can choose to teach an entire unit on habitats or break them up throughout the year! 

Your students may think they already know what these habitats are, but we bet we’ve included at least a couple new facts they will love to learn!

Try our friendship learning quest today!


Habitat Lessons for 2nd Grade

These habitat lessons for 2nd grade are all part of our learning quest series. Learning quests are designed to create independent learners by guiding students through different activities. From listening and reading comprehension to writing comprehension, plus end of unit quizzes, learning quests guide students through the entire learning process. 

You can learn more about learning quests here. When you’re ready, check out the learning quests below that are specifically designed to teach elementary students about animal habitats. 

Desert Habitat

What can help you survive in the desert? How long could you survive without water? These are two questions you can use to get  students excited about an exploration of the desert! 

Once students are curious, introduce them to these habitat activities. Then give them time to learn about how animals and plants have certain qualities that help them adapt to conditions in the hot desert and survive. 

This resource teaches students about deserts all around the world! Therefore, you can combine it with a social studies lesson to extend your unit!

Rainforest Habitat

Just like deserts have two different habitats, so do rainforests! Students will learn about tropical rainforests and temperate rainforests in this learning quest. 


In addition to the animals and qualities of the animals that students learn about, they also participate in an interactive activity that shows the layers of the rainforest. 

Aquatic Habitat 

Introduce students to zones of the ocean in this aquatics learning quest! 

  • Sunlight zone
  • Twilight Zone
  • Dark Zone

Students will learn about the plants and animals that live at these different levels. In addition, students will also learn about freshwater habitats such as rivers, streams, lakes and ponds. 

Polar Habitat 

Brrrr! Polar habitat activities are great for winter! This habitat lesson can be taught on its own or combined with other winter activities for first or second graders.   

Throughout this quest, students will learn about the similarities and differences between the Arctic and Antarctica. The North Pole and The South Pole. 

Grassland Habitat

Students will be familiar with many animals that live in the grasslands. They have probably seen them in the zoo, like lions and giraffes. Depending on where you live, students may have even seen some out in the wild, like buffalo and prairie dogs. 

Students will explore two kinds of grasslands through different activities and then show their understanding through assessing true false statements. 

What’s included in Habitat Lessons 

All of the habitat lessons above follow a similar format. Each of them teaches students about the animals and plants in each habitat. Furthermore, they go into detail about differences within each habitat: 

  • Hot Desert vs. Cold Desert
  • Tropical Rainforest vs. Temperate Rainforest
  • Ocean vs. Freshwater
  • Artic vs. Antartica
  • Tropical Grasslands vs. Temperate Grasslands

These lessons on differences within habitats provide students with opportunities to compare and contrast. 

In addition, all of the lessons include important vocabulary, reading and writing activities, and a quiz! To learn more about the habitat activities for each lesson, check out each preview on Teachers Pay Teachers. 

If you’re looking for  more information about our Learning Quests you may be interested in these blog posts such as:

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We're Emily, Amy, and Tatum

We are teachers, coaches, and curriculum designers with The Core Coaches. Together we have three Master's Degrees and 40 years of experience in the classroom! The Core Coaches are passionate about designing and implementing engaging lesson plans. We want to share our useful strategies and materials with other teachers.

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