Too Many Carrots Read Aloud for Kids

Hippity Hoppity, it’s time for Easter! Whether Easter comes in March or April it is always a fun time to read about the season’s favorite animal – rabbits! 

While there are plenty of wonderful children’s books for Easter, one that is consistently a favorite is Too Many Carrots. This book is a classic in the classroom from PreK through second grade. Moreover, with our Too Many Carrots Read Aloud for Kids you have everything you need to not only read this book with your students but engage them in learning.

Too Many Carrots by Katy Hudson

If you are not familiar with Too Many Carrots by Katy Hudson then keep reading to learn more about this story. However, if you are already a fan like us, go ahead and jump down to our Too Many Carrots Activities. 


This children’s book is not just a good spring read but a great one for teaching students about selfishness. Just like all rabbits, Rabbit loves carrots. However, he doesn’t love to share carrots. 


In this story, Rabbit has so many carrots that they overtake his house. Rather than giving some of the carrots away, Rabbit tries to move in with his friends. However, this just leads to a whole new set of problems that he must face. 


As the author of, A Loud Winter’s Nap, Katy Hudson is an expert at crafting stories that engage kids while also sharing important lessons. Whether you want to add this book to other Easter activities or read it on its own, you and your students are in for a treat.

Too Many Carrots Activities for 1st and 2nd Grades

Our original read aloud for Too Many Carrots was designed with reading activities to support 1st and 2nd graders. These activities are centered around the core curriculum and provide a balance of engagement and rigor, plus fun! 


As with all of our read aloud activities, these can be used as printable or digital activities. Moreover, there are plenty of activities! 


Therefore, you will find that it is easy to spread these activities out over the course of 3, 4, or even 5 days. While part of this structure is to support you as a teacher by providing several days of lesson plans, it is also to support your students. 


By spreading out the activities over several days, your students will have several opportunities to revisit the book. Therefore, providing them with new opportunities to engage with the text in different ways and further enhance their comprehension.

1st and 2nd Grade Reading Activities 

Take a look at the different types of learning activities your students will engage with during this read aloud. While we encourage you to use all of the activities provided for the most in-depth study, this packet is easy to tailor to your students as needed. 

Reading Comprehension Questions for Too Many Carrots

We have provided you with a number of comprehension activities to check students’ initial understanding of the story. 


  • Meet the Story is a matching activity where students match pictures with the different parts of the story: characters, setting, problem, and solution 


  • The Cause and Effect activity helps students look at the sequence of events in the story. 

Our vocabulary activity helps students develop their vocabulary by exploring content-specific words within the book: cozy, share, collection, and crowded. This matching activity provides students with both the vocabulary words and a supporting picture, in addition to the definitions.

Checking for Understanding Activities for Too Many Carrots

Towards the end of the unit, students will further demonstrate their understanding through additional learning activities. 


  • Our writing page is created to support students where they are in this process. It gives them a prompt, “I like to share ______ with my friends, because _____________”, and then space to respond. 


  • Using character puppets, students can retell the story in their own words. This is an excellent way to engage students who are more creative thinkers and do better demonstrating their understanding verbally. 


  • The quiz at the end provides students with a traditional assessment to check for understanding while also helping them become familiar with this type of assessment.
Child Reading

Get The Too Many Carrots Read-Aloud Activity

Too Many Carrots PreK Reading Activities

In addition to the read aloud for first and second grade, we also have a Too Many Carrots PreK read aloud packet. 

This activity pack includes the same types of literacy activities as the ones described above. However, they have been modified with the preschooler in mind. 

Therefore, all activities are leveled to be appropriate for Prek. Whether you are a preschool teacher, know a preschool teacher, or have PreK kids at home, you can trust they will be able to engage with and learn from these activities.

Too Many Carrots Craft 

In both the elementary and PreK read alouds, you will find a Too Many Carrots craft as a culminating activity. This craftivity is the perfect way to allow students to connect their learning in a tangible and creative way. 


Moreover, this craft activity provides students with a visual representation of their learning. This is the perfect opportunity for students to take their learning home with them and share it with their family members. 


By encouraging students to share what they learn at home you are helping them to make reading connections beyond the classroom. Therefore, helping them to further develop their love of reading beyond the classroom.


So, even though the craft is a fun activity it is still an important part of the learning process and we encourage you not to skip over it.

Katy Hudson Read Alouds 

In addition to Too Many Carrots, we have additional read alouds for other popular Katy Hudson books: A Loud Winter’s Nap and The Golden Acorn

These read alouds follow a similar format as described above, including enough activities for a whole week’s worth of reading lessons. Therefore, if you buy all three then you have three weeks’ worth of lessons planned for the year! 

These read aloud resources can be purchased individually as well if you are not in need of all three. Whether you choose to only teach Too Many Carrots, or all three Katy Hudson books, we know you and your students will enjoy the books and the reading activities.

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