The Easter Bunny’s Assistant Pre K

Hoppity, hop, Easter is on its way! Which means, it’s time to bring fun and engaging Easter themed activities into the classroom. From Easter themed STEM projects to Easter literacy and math centers, it is easy to turn any content area into a themed learning opportunity. Especially reading! 

While there are several amazing Easter Bunny books out there for children, today we are going to focus on one of our favorites. If you’re ready, keep reading to explore how to teach The Easter Bunny’s Assistant in Pre K.

Easter Bunny Book Read Aloud

Throughout this post we will explore how to use various reading activities to teach the book, The Easter Bunny’s Assistant by Jan Thomas to preschoolers. However, as mentioned above, there are dozens of delightful books you can use to teach students about the Easter Bunny. Which is why this read aloud for The Easter Bunny’s Assistant is only one of our Easter Bunny book read alouds! Therefore, if you want to read more Easter Bunny books with your preschoolers make sure you read to the end to see the other read alouds available on our website.

Preschool Read Aloud: The Easter Bunny’s Assistant

Whether you choose to add in more Easter picture books or only focus on reading The Easter Bunny’s Assistant the read aloud format will be the same. Therefore, once you have taught one read aloud you will know exactly what to expect (and how to teach) any of our other read alouds. 

Today, we are going to look at the format for our Pre K read alouds with the help of The Easter Bunny’s Assistant.

Pre K Reading Comprehension

At the core of any effective read aloud are different types of comprehension questions. Specifically, comprehension questions that cover different elements of literature and different levels of comprehension. 

Let’s explore this by looking at the reading comprehension questions you will find in our preschool read aloud for The Easter Bunny’s Assistant

Story Sequencing and Character Questions

Before students can dive deeper into a text they first need to have a basic understanding of what is happening in the story. Therefore, all of our read alouds begin with basic level comprehension questions. These are comprehension questions that can be answered with explicit textual evidence. 

In each of our read alouds, we begin these comprehension questions before students even begin reading. Then, we continue to engage students in developing their understanding of the text by exploring additional comprehension questions related to story sequencing and story elements. 

Here is a quick peek at some of these basic comprehension questions included in our Pre K read aloud for The Easter Bunny’s Assistant

  • What is the Title of the Story? 
  • Does the picture on the cover give us any clues about what the story is about?
  • What happens in the beginning? 
  • What happens in the middle?
  • How does the story end? 
  • Who are the characters? 
  • What does Easter Bunny want? 
  • What problem does Easter bunny have? 

Craft and Structure Comprehension Questions 

After you read the story with your students and answer the before reading, story sequencing, and story element questions, we suggest you take a pause. Then, the next day invite students to return to the story and dive deeper into the text. 

By chunking the reading lessons into several days of learning students get time to process the elements of the text. Moreover, they learn how important it is to return to a text, and that we don’t usually learn everything just from reading a text one time. This is why we have created all of our read alouds to be taught over the course of three days. 

The questions above are the types of questions we suggest you focus on during your first read. Then, on day two explore the book through questions related to the characters and craft and and structure. 

Here are some examples of the types of questions you can use to teach about characters and how the author crafted the story: 

  • How does Easter Bunny feel in the beginning of the story? What about Skunk?
  • How do the characters feel in the end? 
  • What happens as Easter Bunny teaches Skunk how to hard-boil the eggs and make dye?
  • What happens when Easter Bunny dyes teh eggs himself?
  • Who is telling the story? 

Comprehension Questions about Words and Illustrations

On day three, students get to deepen their understanding of the text by going beyond the words. This is an excellent way to teach kids that reading is not only about the written words but being able to analyze other parts of the text, like the illustrations. 

We have shared a few of the questions about words and illustrations that are included in the preschool read aloud for The Easter Bunny’s Assistant below. Take a look at this to get an idea of how you students will demonstrate their understanding through these types of questions. 

  • What happens when Skunk gets excited? How does the illustration help you know?
  • Why does Skunk say, “pleasant” on this page? 
  • How is Easter bunny able to work with Skunk again? What does the illustration show?

Pre K Activities for The Easter Bunny’s Assistant

Beyond reading comprehension questions there are several additional ways to engage students in reading. Therefore, we have included additional activities in our read aloud to support students in furthering their understanding of the book. 

  • Vocabulary for The Easter Bunny’s Assistant 
  • Writing Page for The Easter Bunny’s Assistant
  • Quiz for The Easter Bunny’s Assistant
  • The Easter Bunny’s Assistant Retelling puppets
  • The Easter Bunny’s Assistant Craft Template


The additional activities above can be used in any way that best suits your classroom and schedule. You can add them to the comprehension questions for additional learning on days one through three, or you can use these activities for an extra day or two of additional reading lessons. There is no right or wrong way, choose what you prefer. 


In addition to the flexibility that is offered in these additional resources, there is flexibility in how you choose to teach these lessons. You can choose a digital option or use the printable version. You can even do a combination of the two if you prefer! 

Best Preschool Easter Books

As you can see, the read aloud for The Easter Bunny’s Assistant provides you with enough materials to cover a week’s worth of reading lessons. What about the other weeks of the month though? 


If you want to continue with the Easter theme during read aloud time we have more amazing Easter Bunny books and other Spring Themed books to choose from. We have created a complete Pre K read aloud resource for each of these picture books.

Want to explore Easter even more? Check out our Pre K Easter Bundle that has Easter themed activities for math, literacy, circle time, and science!

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