Digital Literacy Centers for Distance Learning Or CLASS

Like so many teachers, we worried about about what school would look like for 2019 – 2021. We were especially concerned about our Literacy Centers and how distance learning for kindergarten or 1st grade would work. We worked frantically to find ways to work in-class, distance learning or a hybrid of any of these learning models.

Easily Transition between Distance Learning + the Classroom with these DigitalLiteracy Centers

We started by creating some digital resources for teachers, but realized that just wasn’t enough. As schools began sharing their plans for this fall, we knew teachers were going to need resources that easily transitioned between home and school.

At first, we were worried about finding a an easy solution.

While trying to manage distance learning last March, our small group literacy block was the first thing to go. We couldn’t even fathom how this could be done during distance learning. Since small group literacy instruction has always been our favorite time of the school day (and also one of the most valuable blocks of time during the day) we started searching for a solution to be able to fluidly continue this practice whether students are at home or in school.



How we solved for the Transitions between Distance Learning + the Classroom

First, we created 100 digital literacy centers. These centers are all paperless and pre-loaded to Seesaw and Google Slides. Due to social distancing and sanitizing issues, we wanted students to be able to complete their literacy centers without actually having to go to a center if needed. They can practice sight words, word work, writing, and respond to texts completely digitally. Students can turn in all their work from centers digitally as well.

If you haven’t used Seesaw or Google Classroom yet, you will be amazed at how quickly you can see which students have completed their center work and which students didn’t hand it in. No more going through (literally) hundreds of worksheets after centers each day!

If you teach your students how to complete the centers digitally, then they will easily be able to complete the centers whether they are in the classroom or distance learning.

Easily transition students from classroom literacy centers to literacy centers

We created several pages to help you easily transition students from classroom literacy centers to literacy centers that can be completed at home. Whatever your schedule may look like next year, your students can continually practice literacy centers!

Include Digital Literacy Centers in as many places as possible

We included literacy center work board icons, literacy center checklists, an editable letter to send to parents, editable lists for word work, editable writing prompts, and a reading list for students to track the books they read for the week.

You can easily have students complete the center rotations at home with these editable files. Then, during your video calls you only have to worry about the “meet with teacher” center. Parents will also love the simplicity of having their child independently practice centers for an hour each day if they are at home.

If you’re looking for distance learning ideas you may be interested in our distance learning blog posts such as:

And, be sure to purchase our 100 Digital Literacy Centers to make this all possible!


Introducing Our Newest Resource – Learning Quest Lesson Plans – Amazing!


Teach 1st Grade? Here are a couple more resources for you to check out. 


Picture of Amy


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We're Emily, Amy, and Tatum

We are teachers, coaches, and curriculum designers with The Core Coaches. Together we have three Master's Degrees and 40 years of experience in the classroom! The Core Coaches are passionate about designing and implementing engaging lesson plans. We want to share our useful strategies and materials with other teachers.

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