Digital Data Folders for Students

Data Tracking for Students

Do your students keep track of their own data? Do your students even know what the scores on their papers mean? Let us tell you– it’s a game changer when you start making students aware of their scores throughout the year. This is a great practice for your classroom management process. As teachers, we had our students track their scores throughout the year because we knew it made their learning more meaningful. By using data folders, students took pride in their assessments and scores.

Student Data Tracking Improves Overall Grades

At our school, all teachers had their class track data and we can promise you that all grades were capable, even the littles! Tracking data made the scores meaningful to them and students magically took responsibly for those scores. Even in first grade, I noticed a difference. My students worked harder on practicing their spelling words throughout the week or they practiced their math facts at home before a timed test because they wanted to be able to mark a better score than last week in their folder .

Having students keep track of their scores is so different than giving students a pile of papers to take home (which they shove in their backpacks to possibly show parents or just throw straight into the trash). Those papers most likely had scores written on them and we’re sure most students didn’t even know what they meant. Tracking scores makes students aware of what the scores mean and it encourages them to improve the scores when possible.




Student Self Refection and Goal Setting

We created a climate in our classroom where students only worried about what they could do to change their own scores rather than worrying about anyone else’s scores. Each student learned to only compete against themselves and encouraged others to do the same. We cheered for others’ successes no matter how small the success was. 


Teachers can make data tracking positive

We promise, if the teacher approaches scores in a positive way, having students talk about and track them creates a classroom that promotes a growth mindset and positive self-reflection. It really can be so powerful when teachers promote data in a positive way. If students were struggling with a score they received they knew they could take a short break to give themselves an affirmation. You can read more about our affirmation breaks here.

Students also presented their data folders to their parents during Student Led Conferences. Parents were always so impressed with their child’s understanding of their own learning.⁠ Students could use the reflection and goal setting sheets to have conversations with their parents about their strengths and weaknesses and set goals for the following terms. It’s pretty amazing to listen to a first grader (or any grader) talk about their own learning and reflect on what they can change to continue improving.

Digital Student Data Tracking for Distance Learning

With the uncertainty of next year, we felt like making a digital data folder was a must. Whether students are in a classroom or at home, they can still keep track of all of their scores, self reflect, and make goals.

If you’ve been wondering how to make test scores more meaningful for your students, then this data folder is for you. Check out our digital student-friendly data tracker that allows students to track their growth in all subject areas as well as set goals and reflect on their work.

When students are involved in the tracking process, their learning becomes much more meaningful to them.

If you’re looking for distance learning ideas you may be interested in our distance learning blog posts such as:

Happy Teaching!

-The Core Coaches

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The Core Coaches

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We're Emily, Amy, and Tatum

We are teachers, coaches, and curriculum designers with The Core Coaches. Together we have three Master's Degrees and 40 years of experience in the classroom! The Core Coaches are passionate about designing and implementing engaging lesson plans. We want to share our useful strategies and materials with other teachers.

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