First Grade Distance Learning Activities


Tips for Choosing First Grade Distance Learning Activities

Take the guesswork out of selecting appropriate first grade distance learning activities. These time-saving tips will help you find the very best digital resources. As you’re “vetting” distance learning resources, look for these key features for your young learners:

  • includes rigor that is developmentally appropriate
  • easy for students to navigate online
  • supports literacy skills
  • covers engaging topics
  • provides interactive components
  • low teacher prep, easy to assign
  • eye-catching and attractive

See why Learning Quest Lesson Plans get a gold star!


With these tips in mind, we have created distance learning activities, called Digital Learning Quests, as a way to support young students through self-directed, independent learning and research. Now, your first grade students can have more ownership over their learning in a distance learning setting.

Supporting Literacy

Students practice literacy skills in several contexts during a Learning Quest. They independently listen to or read provided texts on the topic, complete a variety of interactive activities to explore the topic more in-depth, watch a video clip, write in response to their learning, and show understanding by submitting answers to a quiz.

Related post: Digital Literacy Centers

Supporting 21st Century Skills

Each Learning Quest experience also helps students develop important skills that reach far beyond reading and writing. With Learning Quests, students begin to build habits, skills and understandings in the areas of:

  • critical thinking
  • self direction
  • digital literacy
  • curiosity and research
  • virtual work spaces

Supporting Busy Teachers

Teachers know that distance learning activities can take a lot of time and prep work to prepare for first graders. With this in mind, Learning Quests are built to help busy teachers with no prep, easy to assign digitally research activities. Learning Quests are pre-created to be compatible with Google Slides and Seesaw. The activities are also printable for teachers needing resources for in-person or blended learning models, making these activities the perfect 3-in-1 resource. Try our Friendship Learning Quest for FREE here.


Supporting Digital Student Engagement

First grade students will love learning quests as digital learning activities because they include engaging and interactive research experiences on topics that are highly interesting to young learners. Student engagement can also be increased by implementing these digital lesson plans. Digital literacy centers are designed for both distance learning or for use in the classroom.

If you’re looking for distance learning ideas you may be interested in our distance learning blog posts such as:


Picture of Amy


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We're Emily, Amy, and Tatum

We are teachers, coaches, and curriculum designers with The Core Coaches. Together we have three Master's Degrees and 40 years of experience in the classroom! The Core Coaches are passionate about designing and implementing engaging lesson plans. We want to share our useful strategies and materials with other teachers.

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